Cormorant on the Canal

Look at the contrast between these two photos, taken at more or less the same point. The main further illustrates my point that it's easier to see wildlife in the city than in the country; no cormorant would allow us this close on the Lake - this one swam around, utterly unconcerned, got out, shook its feathers, fell in again, hardly ever diving.

In the extra, some of the shining high rises above the Georgian warehouses on the Bridgewater Canal in the centre of Manchester. When Julia woke up after a few hours sleep (after another night on the ward), we went to an old favourite, The Wharf, for drinks and snacks, and then a freezing (2C/35F), but sunny, walk round the canals.

- Deb and Zion still OK in Sutton
- dry sunshine to walk in
- the beauty of this city

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