Walking with Lynne

I awoke feeling quite refreshed after listening to C P Snow’s “The Masters” on BBC Sounds and having an energetic dream involving my daughters and me Parascending in a desert somewhere difficult to reach. Finding enough food and clothing came into it, and their previous boyfriends.

Lynne came over from Alnwick so I devised a route through the beech woods to the moor then back round by the quarry. She’s not done that one before - we didn’t have time to go as far as Blue Mill which would have been really pretty, as she had to prepare for a rehearsal with the drama group she runs.

We had a nice time at Chris’s last night though Colin had just had a liver scan that day and it is not good news plus his blood sugar is over 70 despite the tablets. He had not had a blood test for his Type 2 diabetes since his heart attack a year past June. He’s only 61. He asked if we women round the table would adjourn to the next room so that he could have a chat with Mr C about it. His social life revolved round playing music in pubs and drinking with friends. Now he can’t drink he is I think reaching out to Mr C who is not a pub-goer. Katy is hoping they’ll do healthy things like walk together.

On top of this Katy rang today to say she had been pinged and told to get a PCR test as someone she was with a week ago has Covid. We all took LF tests before meeting indoors last night so hopefully all will be well. Van Tam was telling us last night we must wear masks (despite it not being mandatory here) because numbers of deaths doubled last week as did the numbers of over 65s getting hospitalised. He is concerned because numbers (around 40,000 new cases a day) are high and it’s not yet winter. The government is saying uptake of booster jabs is slow but the vaccine isn’t making its way to the centres. Most of our friends are a bit younger than we are and they’ve not been called though they are now overdue.

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