Take a Look up the Railroad

So, yesterday, in the midst of all busy, I did this to my hair. 

It might not look like much, but it terrified the living daylights out of me. 

I spotted Kate Winslet on a TV advert for Because We Are Worth It hair product, and I thought, if I run this through my hair I'm going to be totally gorgeous. 

I felt my hair was yellowing and much more white than I thought it should be, so I thought this would brighten but soften it. 

I bought it a couple of weeks ago and I've sat and looked at it for ages. 

yesterday morning I did it. 

When I applied it, it was white.  All over.  I sat downstairs for the required 30 minutes and then headed upstairs.  First panic.  It had turned completely dark, all over my head and ears. 

I got in the shower and dampened it, started to soap it, and panicked again.  My hair was sticking together, and felt all "cludgy".  I washed it all out and then got some Aussie conditioner and splattered it all over. 

When I got out I stood and stared in the mirror.  Kate Winslet Golding Blonde this was not.   I went downstairs, and Himself looked at me and said, "wow, that's not what I was expecting. 

I blow dried it and looked at it and thought... Mmmm. 

Don't know what colour it is but it isn;t Kate Winslet...

As we drove to Glasgow I glanced on and off in the mirror, and then I looked back to my hair right after I had it done. 

It was the Same colour.  

There was obviously a toner involved which washed out of my hair quickly. 

So basically, my panic was unwarranted. 

My hair is as it was when I had it done for money. 

I am a genius. 

Unbekowning, But A genius none-the-less.

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