Those words whispered in your ear, I said

Sundays are funny days eh? 

We shut the cats out last night because on Friday night they had me up three times... 

And I slept, I slept til 6 real time, which is regular, but in reality it was 7 because the clocks went back. Joy.  I went back to sleep after I shut the window  - it had blown wide open and the wind and the rain were blowing round the room. 

We got up, and hummed and hawed a bit.   We needed paint,  Si himself painted a wall in our bedroom yesterday, I made it a terrible blue colour and we have hated it since it was up.   So it's gone, but now we need to do the other walls.  

We were going to go local but decided to go to Glasgow, because an Ikea trip was also needed. 

COP26 is on in Glasgow - I mentioned the action at my work the other day;  Police were biking up and down the motorway, meemaw's zooming back and forward. I think they are just testing their horns. 

We did Ikea - new mugs, no frames. Ideas about ovens.    Also Liquorice.

Looked at the big boat for the "visitors" to COP26. Wondered if Greta was camping in Glasgow Green? 

Headed to BQ.  Found the Paint. Looked at Showers, (we have plans)  Looked for bottles; didn't find any.

Then we went to Sainsbury  to see if they had any frames. They didn't. 

We left and drove down the road, and stopped for a milk shake. I needed it. My blister had burst on the back of my ankle and it was bleeding. 

Look at the sky - Look at the light, Isn't it beautiful. It was just so nice to see the sun. 

When we got home, I had to have a nap.  I used one of the throws we bought and snuggled on to Himself's lap to drool on his thigh.  

I woke an hour later, and we decided to eat Indian, instead of what was in the fridge. 

Before we ate Indian, we moved the bed back to the other side of the bedroom, I swept and mopped the floor and threw out a pile of shit I have gathered.  

Another good day. 

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