
Abi and I came down to Salford, yesterday, me by car and her, later, by train. She spent today revising for her mocks in the library on St Peter's Square, apart from having lunch with Hannah, who works just over the road from there, while I did some work in the morning and then went to college in the afternoon.

All of this was to facilitate a drive down to London this evening as the first step in Abi reviewing a few places she might like to go to university.

It was light when we set off but was dark only twenty minutes later, which would have made for a very boring four hours if it hadn't been for Abi's company, including some diligent DJing as we took it turns to choose songs to listen to.

With one stop off to grab some dinner, we arrived at my folks' a few minutes after ten. I was knackered. Just time for a beer and then bed!

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