
By Mindseye

Busy day

Slept ok, alarm went off early, still dark!  
Up sharpish….Friday morning is work, not a fan, prefer the afternoons, feel more alive and alert for the afternoons, after ive been out and about in the fresh air. 

Usual headache ensued, my big screens were supposed to be delivered today, but no joy!! Logged off just after 1, a quick beans on toast for lunch, then upstairs to change, pack my bag, to take with me to my friends, after id been to get my hair done, primarily for tomorrows wedding. 

Traffic was really busy, weather was atrocious, journey over really slow and lots of spray!  Had half an hour to spare, so popped for a coffee near my hairdressers, took 20 minutes to get served, so not enough time to sit in and enjoy it as Id planned,  had to get a take out! Just made it to the appointment on time, having left home at 2.10 for a 3.45 appt, should have got over there for 3pm!! 

Anyhow weather settle down, my curled hair has stayed in pretty well so far, as you can see…..this pic is the only one taken today, admittedly, not by me, but on my phone, by our waiter ;-)

We had a lovely time, lots of chat, didn't even bother me, that I could only have one drink lol! 
We talked about hub, and how sad it was that L and her hub never met my hub…..i think we would all have got on really well…..I’ve known L&B for 40 years, but we lost touch after my divorce, sad really, but we are making up for it ;-)

Dropped L back home, then came on home, the junction where I normally leave the motorway was closed, a detour, an extra 25 minutes on my journey coming back too!!! 

Just got to unpack all my stuff now, hopefully have a restful sleep, no head movements otherwise my hair will be all over the place, so fingers crossed!  Its 12.55am, good job I dont have to be up earlyin the morning lol!! 

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