Dress Rehearsal Rag

Half time at last night’s dress rehearsal, but no chance of a rest as we needed some publicity photos to put on various social media sites. I think we’ve got a decent audience for tonight, but we could do with selling a few more tickets for the other nights.
It actually went quite well. The inevitable missed lines, random blackouts and costume mishaps, but we never really had to stop at any point, so it bodes well for tonight. Which is going to feel quite strange as we perform in front of a real live audience for the first time in almost two years. But definitely looking forward to it - we’ve probably become over familiar with some of the funnier lines so it will be nice to hear laughter from an audience. Well, hopefully we’ll hear laughter!!
And I could do with a laugh. Woke up this morning to find we had no hot water. And that’s in addition to the lack of heating we are already living with. It looks like the immersion heater has failed, so we really need the radiators putting back on the walls so the whole system can be restarted. But the plumber is very busy and not at all hopeful of being able to get to us any time soon. Looks like it’s going to have to be a trip to the gym if I want a shower today. I might gamble on the plumbers turning up tomorrow, and just boil a kettle for a wash and a shave later. And I’ll understand if my fellow cast members don’t want to stand too close to me on stage tonight!
The only hint of a positive today is that the painter will be moving on to the last room tomorrow. Unfortunately, that room is our main bedroom so we are going to be camping out in the cramped back bedroom for the next few nights - or longer, if the carpet fitters can’t get to us for a while.
Still, it’ll be a new day tomorrow and we’ll have the first performance under our belts. And it’s hard to see how our current living arrangements could actually get any worse!

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