
By rosesinDecember

Feed the birds

We could still see snow on the hills but we didn't witness any actually falling today which feels like progress. The sunshine even made an appearance and the wind dropped, such a relief.

Having survived our first girls only night, my next challenge was to get two girls downstairs and into the car along with the pushchair. Mission accomplished. Soon, E was singing along to Ally Bee on repeat and excitedly chanting "Jenny and Dougass" as we made our way to theirs, A slept.

We had a leisurely, happy walk down at Cramond and E delighted in feeding the birds, ducks, "big ducks" (swans) and geese; timid at first but finding it both scary and thrilling, placing a tiny piece of bread on the wall and the running away as the birds ( kittiwakes?) swooped down before going back to Jenny for "more" bread. She also had chance for muddy puddles, seeing the boats and lots of dogs - a pretty perfect walk really. All rounded off with a snack of crackers and then bread, stickers and chocolate treats for lunch. And great times playing with Jenny and Douglas too.

Little A slept peacefully, narrowly avoiding a lucky bird poo. She then let us know it was her lunchtime and we headed back to the warmth for feeding time. She enjoyed some happy awake time, cosy cuddles, following noises with her bright eyes and getting to know new faces and dear friends.

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