Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Here's Josie

I was up sharp this morning as the girls were arriving. It was a horrid dreich day, I didn't envy Kathryn her 10k in the Borders. They arrived on schedule. Eilidh was in a pretty dress and smart coat dressed for going on to see Aunty Ali after their mum got back. Isobel was dressed as a farmer! I love her independent attitude to life. She did have a pretty dress in her bag for later but for this morning she was a farmer.
Question, Who knew that farmers wore rainbow tights and no leggings? Apparently they do wear boots though!
The girls settled into their favourite activities and about 10.30 Isobel and I decided to make scones to take to Aunty Ali - just in case Ali hadn't had time to make by for us. Isobel didn't fancy my cheese scones so she made a half batch of sultana.
Mum Kathryn arrived back after lunch and we set off in both cars to wish Ali a belated birthday for yesterday. Josie was on top form and slept through most of our visit. She has just about made the transition from 'tiny baby' clothes to 'new born', I managed to snatch a picture of me with her in which (in my opinion at least) I did not have Worzel Gummidge hair. Josie is so tiny, I noticed that my finger is almost the same length as her leg.
Kathryn and the girls couldn't stay long, so I was able to enjoy an extended cuddle with my newest granddaughter.
A quiet evening for me tonight. It's rained off and on for most of the day, foggy too at times. When I was driving over Clermiston Hill to Ali's the mist was quite thick.
I popped into Morrisons today and was glad to see the vaccine bus there was looking pretty busy with lots of people sitting either waiting their turn or foot their 15 minute post - vac period.
They are not doing drop in boosters on the bus, although apparently most of the centres are.
Keep safe everyone.

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