Therapy (Day 2351)

Having finished the en-suite ahead of schedule yesterday, I didn't have much in the way of work planned for today. I had a visit to a repeat customer out past Brodgar first thing, which gave me the chance to stop and get a quick snap of the view. The customer is renovating his house and wanted advice and a quote for work to be done in the near future.
By 10am, I was at a loose end and decided to take advantage of the good weather and get out a ride on George. A fine ride along the shore (extra), and I reckon George was fairly pleased to see me.
A brief meeting with my beautiful wife at the field when George and I returned from our ride, then home for lunch before a wander at Lyde with Sigyn.
A trip into town to get new tyres on the van meant the chance for a catch up and blether with some friends, then home to meet HV for another trip to the horses.
Off our for a gathering of the clan over curry shortly, a grand way to round of a day of therapy.

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