Wedding Dreams

I’m late blipping this awesome day because I don’t actually know where to start.

So today was all about celebrating the lockdown wedding of HatBox and SkyeMan, who were legally married the day before lockdown last year, who began married life without the church service and reception that was all planned for 4th April 2020.

This photo is our HatBox with her Nanna, my mother-in-law.

It was a lovely lovely day from start to end.

HatBox wrote in a thank you card from them to us, that the day was all she’d ever dreamed for.

Some favourite moments include:
The 6 Bridesmaids chilled and happy getting ready here
A fabulous list of lovely individuals helping including the driver of the vintage car and the taxi drivers
My beautiful daughters & daughter in law
My 4 gorgeous sons wearing tails
My son-in-law in his kilt, his wider family full of warmth & happiness
Our church family supportive & loving
That Jesus was rightly honoured again and again
My brothers and sister & loads of the cousins celebrating with us
The loud cheer as they walked into the Barn where the reception was
The huge crowd joining in with the ceilidh
The pleasure of the day, the church service, the confetti tunnel, the food, the drinks, the ball pit, the fire pit, the toasties, the cake, the venue itself, the reunions
The sparklers to finish off

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

I’ll add more photos - when I can choose which ones …

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