Wedding prep

It’s actually been a really lovely day. The younger 2 were on an Inset Day which was an unexpected bonus.

So lots of little jobs, including picking up flowers and my boss’s van to help transport everything to the venue. And then set up was great. The lot from Skye arrived soon after us and with both families and a friend Chris, we decorated in a happy chilled harmonious way. And it looks fabulous. All is ready.

Our SkyeMan was determined to have a ball pit. But as often happens on eBay, he accidentally bought nets and not the balls themselves. So Elbows and NoaNoa went off on a mission and we landed up with nearly 2000! NoaNoa obviously had to test it out.

The wedding rehearsal was such a happy thing with all the kids turning up and both families and groomsmen and bridesmaids. A joy.

Then a meal out with the 2 families. :-)

Can’t wait for tomorrow. The bride and groom have waited 18 months for this. On their wedding day, the 4th April 2020, everything was very different.

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