
By XSworld

Fatal attraction

This plant is everywhere now with it's pretty berries, some still green, others ripening red, then there are the fully ripened black ones. They look so tempting. Oh, I should bring a container, harvest them all and make some jam. Stock up for winter. Then I can make pies and biscuits, afternoon snack with toast and jam to enjoy on the cold and rainy winter days. Give a jar to friends for special occasions!
Sounds good, but I better beware.
The pokeweed is a develish plant, it tempts you and then it kills you (except if you are a bird..as they are immune). Just a few berries and your walk on earth is over. You better extract its juices and use as a natural colour -but don't forget to use double gloves to protect you!
Apparently native americans used the root as medicine and young leaves can be eaten if double-boilt.
They taste like spinach.

I think I'll just stay at large!

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