First tulip
The white and yellow tulips from last year have come back stronger this year, and the white ones have won the race to be first out. Some time for hoeing and weeding this afternoon, essential to blow away the dust from this morning - when the big clean of the stairs was finally completed. Well, I say completed. I'm not entirely taking seriously Mr B's statement that this is the last time it'll all be covered in dust, so I'm hedging my bets by just doing a half-arsed job.
Mr B had a big fire in the garden to get rid of some of the rotten wood that came out of the attic, but I wasn't allowed to be involved in that for some sort of complicated reason. Meanwhile, I dealt with some rather disappointing news on an admin matter; back to square one but with considerably less time to get something sorted out. The truck (Mr B's car) mysteriously started first time this morning (having refused to start when I was already long gone on Friday with the other car, leading to a weekend of juggling and lift-begging for Mr B) but regardless has gone to the garage in case this is a recurring problem. It has gone to a new garageman, on the basis that our old garageman was the cause of at least one of the wrecked cars, and didn't really seem to help any of the others very much. We shall see.
It was rainy overnight and cool this morning, but warm and sunny this afternoon. I may get to strim the grass on the terrace (which is reaching 'children-losing' height again) tomorrow.
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