Plumb line
Plum blossom. There are loads of these plum trees around the communal park part of our property, though I didn't go further than the kitchen table for this quick snap, I have to confess. CarbBoy was horrified that TallGirl had picked some, like he was ever going to eat the fruit that we've now been deprived of...
Usual mad Wednesday, with added admin madness that is just making me want to scream. And not enough time to eat. And only enough time to cut half the terrace grass (though frankly that was all my back would cope with - I'm not sure my physio will be very impressed....)
Tomorrow's lesson, since I couldn't find a magnet so the ever-popular fishing game is out, will be a cobbled together mix of 'saying sorry', learning the days of the week and definitely not under any circumstances a reprise of 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes. It was Sunday before I could walk comfortably after last week's extravaganza. At lunch time there will be some sort of Elvis, which has been much requested, though never with a song title so I have to choose. I'm choosing Heartbreak Hotel as it seems to have the fewest words... Of course 'A little less conversation' doesn't have many, but I don't feel up to explaining 'satisfactioning'. Hmmm, maybe Hound Dog? Any suggestions?
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