A fabulously sunny day - and very frustrating to not be able to get on and finish digging the garden. My shoulder/neck is still very achy - and was even more so after today's job: painting windows. Still, with that and the skirting done in the guest room and Mr B getting on well with the boxing-in in there, the room is starting look more like it will be ready when my parents arrive in May.
I did manage a few minutes in the garden feeding the ranunculus who I've diagnosed as being short of nitrogen, and making a plan of action for getting the terrace whipped into shape. Mr B is in charge of structural items (to provide shade) but I think clearing vegetation is my job. I've already moved a few large plants that I wasn't sure were weeds, but a bunch of these things have sprung up since the recent rain. I'm sure they are some kind of horrible weed but I am am intrigued to see what the flowers will be like once they burst out of their hairy receptacles. What do you think: triffid? or triffic*?
And it was this or tulips again.
*as in 'terrific'
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