
By Grammy

The Special Bond Between Grandma and Grandson

Sunny and mild all day. Got up early and headed to my mother’s. My sister was already there. We helped tidy her home for visitors tomorrow and Tuesday (her actual birthday). My BIL spent a few hours working around her property and my cousin cut her lawn. She is so excited about her party tomorrow and is now feeling content everything but the food is ready for company. We promised to be there bright and early to help prepare the meal; others are bringing side dishes too. Because of the COVID spike in our area, attendees will wear masks inside to protect us older folks, especially our mother. It was beautiful weather for being on the water today so my son brought his boat to her dock from the marina where he stores it. She was not home the last time he tried to surprise her. He and his family took Momma for a lovely boat ride. It had been 80 years since she’d been that far out into the Chesapeake Bay. To say she was thrilled is really not sufficient. She even got to drive the boat around the creek. That’s all she talked about before he arrived and after they returned. My parents taught my son to love being on the water when he was tiny. As the oldest grandson (and first boy since they had five daughters), they took him fishing regularly. That was a true gift for both sides with lasting memories. Hubby stayed home, cut our grass, took our refuge to the convenience center, collected tables, tents and chairs for the party. Another busy day all around. Enjoy your weekend folks. Thanks for dropping by. “Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.” - March DeMaree

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