Family Reunion/Birthday Bash

We had a few items to get from the market so we stopped at my home and picked up hubby around 10:30. We got to my cousin’s right on time. She lives in the house where our mother grew up. The cousins were reminiscing about spending time there when we were little kids. The one I was closest to has been battling cancer and we have not seen each other for three years. The tumors are shrinking so she has left isolation. Seeing her was the highlight of my day. She had some good stories about my son that everyone enjoyed. Our oldest boys were the same age so he has a special place in her heart. Our sister is visiting from Colorado. She has not been able to travel since COVID. They will be gone before we get home from NC so I guess we won’t have a girls day out this visit. We are so blessed to have Father Bill as a cousin. He said Mass out under the trees. The weather was just as perfect as yesterday. On the way home, Parker and Mancil remarked how much they enjoy him. Kids needs such role models. I let them paddle all over the creek, taking photos and enjoying their time together making more family memories. I think our mother enjoyed the day so mission accomplished. She always has stories to share about family history. We should be writing them down. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe. “If you don't recount your family history, it will be lost. Honor your own stories and tell them too. The tales may not seem very important, but they are what binds families and makes each of us who we are.” - Madeleine Engle

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