Interesting coffee shop.

We headed into town with a long list of items from a long list of shops.

It was an interesting start when I took a call on my watch in a supermarket. I couldn’t work out who it was, the environment was noisy and I was wearing a mask, not helpful for conversing.  I managed to tuck myself into some clothing hanging nearby to reduce the noise and say that I would call back.

The call was from Bletchley Park about a visit that we have planned. I was able to sort things out later, from the comfort of the car. 

The rest of the shopping was more straightforward, but tiring. We ended up at Stokes Cafe, near the castle, shortly before closing, for coffee and delicious lemon drizzle cake. 

One disappointment was the lack of Brunost, Norwegian brown cheese. I’ve only just found a supermarket that stocked it and now they don’t think that they will have any more in. It is delicious !!!! 

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