A weekend away

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We headed off to Buckinghamshire to visit Claydon House this afternoon. The traffic was much heavier than expected so we didn’t arrive until 2.15, leaving us 45 minutes before the National Trust property closes. 
It’s a small interesting property with a connection to Florence Nightingale. Her sister was married into the Verne family and she spent long holidays there. The building has a varied and fascinating history well worth a visit.
We had seen the ground floor and was just heading for Florence Nightingale’s suite of rooms when the fire alarm went off. Everyone evacuated to the collected spot in the garden. It turned out that it was just a practice, timed about 20 minutes before closing, expecting the visitors to be happy to go on their way. 
I explained that we had driven all the way from Lincoln and asked that we be allowed to see the rooms, which they agreed to. The cafe in the outer buildings was still open, so coffee and cake was consumed.
We were just heading out to the gardens and park to take some photographs when we met up with one of B’s friends and his wife, who are in the area for the same event as us tomorrow. 
In all the excitement I completely forgot to take any photos and this one is the only one that B took of the back of the property!!! 

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