
By Grammy

Out and About

Sunny and warm most of the day, then mild and breezy. We were up early so we could get to 10:00 Mass in Moundsville. This is one of the church’s beautiful stained glass windows depicting The Good Shepherd. Great homily on serving others. We spent part of our day walking around the area in Wheeling that we believe is being made into a memorial park to honor a gentleman with our maiden name, Robrecht. The land borders the Ohio River and the Wheeling Creek. We have to do more research about the project and the German farmer/grocer. Sure hope we can be there for the dedication in case some of his descendants are there. We used our Seek app to identify some of the wildflowers along the River bank. I included a shot of one of several bridges that link WV and Ohio. While my BIL shopped at Lowe’s, my sister and I visited the Garden shop. Those red celosia were breathtaking. The photo does not do them justice. Thanks for dropping by. Hope you got to spend some primo time out in nature this weekend. “It takes some of us a lifetime to learn that Christ, our Good Shepherd, knows exactly what He is doing with us. He understands us perfectly.” - W. Phillip Keller

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