
By Grammy

He Who Labors, Reaps

Sunny and mild until the gusher late afternoon. There is always a to do list at this farm and the results make it a lovely place to visit. Today, my sister tidied up her flower gardens, watered her profusion of flowers in pots and weeded where necessary. She also planted spreading ground cover amongst the rocks in this photo. Hopefully, it will keep down the weeds. My BIL dug trenches to bury conduit housing the water and electric sources for the pond. My jobs were simply to make chicken salad from the leftover rotisserie bird and entertain Sugar. They planted this wildflower bed in the Fall of 2019 and have added other plants and wildflower seeds a few times. Because it had produced so few flowers, the plan was to start over this trip. What a surprise met us as we pulled into the driveway! These bright yellow flowers belong to the sunflower, aster or daisy family according to Seek. We’ve seen none like these along the roadway so the seed must have been in the mix they planted. We decided to visit the neighbor around the ridge after the jobs were done. Little did we know there was rain in today’s forecast. All of a sudden, dark clouds appeared, opened, the wind kicked up and the rain poured sideways. We were drenched but thankfully, my BIL got upstairs in time to put our Kindles, cross stitch, etc inside. It has now stopped so we should still be able to have our fish fry. Thanks for dropping by. Sure hope these sunny flowers made you smile. “Always look at the brighter side of life, just like the sunflower, which looks upon the sun, not the dark clouds.” – Unknown

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