Working in da Greenhoose

It was raining this morning, dried up in the afternoon, and evening.  A windy day, much calmer tonight. 

A wet morning, perfect to watch the Breakfast Club.  The rest of the day and evening have been fairly lazy too, plenty of telly and movies.  Friend Julie popped by, and dropped of some therapeutic colour in books.  They'll make a change from the jigsaws.  Today is bro Jonny and Ruth's 20th wedding anniversary, shame I can't see them.  Still showing negative on my LFTs, and no symptoms. 

With the greenhouse only finished a few months ago, I've not had much of a summer to grow things.  I've got various tomato plants, some chilli's and flowers just now.  I'll need to get it tided properly, and get it setup over winter, ready to start all sorts in the spring next year.  Taken at Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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