Afternoon on Houl Road

Looking out from the house and garden, it's been a fairly misty day.  There was showers this morning, but dry in the afternoon. 

I've had a busy day not doing much.  I've mostly been watching old telly programmes, and finished off my jigsaw.  Think it'll be much the same for tonight.  Another day symptom free, and again, my LFT is negative.  Some family members struggling with symptoms, but slowly getting better.

One thing I am struggling with, and that's not getting out for walks.  Walking is my main form of exercise, and I enjoy it, Sammy even more so.  I have been mostly walking north today, and that takes me to the garden gate.  There's only so many times I can go up and down the garden path, but at least it's something.   Looking out the garden gate, and down my street, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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