By lizzie_birkett

My ‘Favourite’ Dinner!

This is for HeartFreek’s challenge - Favourite.
I made the dinner too - as some of you will no this is a rare occurrence in our house as Frank is chief cook and I am the bottle washer.
Sausage (Richmond vegan) mash (home grown spuds) carrots (home grown) and green beans. YUM!

I got my knew specs adjusted at Boots. They kept slipping down my nose. 
I also bit the bullet and ordered a new pair of varifocals as the ones I got last year have scratch right in my line of vision which is most notable when watching TV.

Well Blippers - the tap dance class was all I hoped it would be! I loved it. There were only 3 other ladies there but the teacher said there are normally a few more. I can’t wait for next week. I need a large board to practice on at home.

Thanks for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts.

Now time for telly!
Goodnight Blippers ;-)X

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