All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hungry Gull

There are some days when I go out for my lunchtime walk that I just know I'm not going to get any good "people blips". The best days seem to be the ones where it's either glorious sunshine, or pouring with rain. As today was one of those mediocre nothing special kind of days, it didn't bode well for my chances.

Saw a girl wearing the most fabulous metalic blue shoes going the opposite direction round a revolving door to me - I even kept going round the door, back outside again and followed her for 30 seconds or so to try to get a picture. However, she was walking so fast I only managed a couple and they weren't great.

I then clocked this seagull who was edging very slowly towards this chap. Mr Gull clearly had his eye on his baguette and was hoping for a few crumbs. However, not only did the man not give him any whatsoever, he also moved off round the corner (although that may have been due to the mad blipper standing there quite unabashed, blatently taking pictures, rather than being due to him not wanting to share his lunch)!

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