Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Bee whatever you want to be

Managed a good 10hrs sleep, a good start on the catch up. Woke at 6am and decided I was going to quit my job, the deed was done by 8am.

Feels like the right decision, it's been a hard 4 years and my head is out of the door and to be honest has been a while now. Now just need to actually get out of the door. Think they've finally accepted I'm serious so just need to negotiate a handover. Guess I'd better get my CV sorted.

Crazy day of catch up and calls and trying to get used to a completely new work system - they swapped from Gmail to Microsoft while I was away for everything and feels like I'm trying to type wearing mittens.

On the plus side I had a very exciting enquiry from an uber prestigious Edin-based venue who are looking for a new supplier of diffusers. One of their exec team is coming to meet me on Friday. Also looks like the charity candle gig is getting final approval - call with them tomorrow.

Going to be an insane week between work, my work and getting ready for new product launches at the market this weekend. Hoping for another decent sleep to try and recharge the batteries and keep me on point and fighting fit.

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