
I think one of the ways to achieve a happy life is to have ambitions but also to set the bar pretty low for at least some of them. One of mine that qualifies for the 'but is that even really an ambition?' category is to take a half decent wildlife photograph.

I don't think this is it, to be honest, and I wonder what amazing picture we'd have seen from IntoTheHills if he'd been next to me on the deck, this morning, when I saw this fellow. Anyway...

My week has been slightly complicated by a hospital appointment in Manchester that Abi had forgotten about and to which her mum was no longer able to take her. Thus, late on this afternoon, we drove down to Salford, where she spent the evening with the miniMinx and one of her friends, while the Minx and I went out to Lo Scoglio for dinner.

We were joined by Hannah for garlic bread and a glass of fizz before she went off to meet a friend of hers, and then Charlie met us at The New Oxford for drink afterwards. That turned into a little bit more of an occasion than I'd anticipated as we bumped into my tutor, Yoss, and consequently it was after midnight when we made our way home.

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