An elevated view

There are works being done on the pathway by the Lune between Devil's Bridge and Kirkby Lonsdale, and a temporary route has been put in place, which takes you up to the playing fields, this providing the vantage point for  today's photo. I went that way today after breakfast with Milly at Botanica, taking the long route home via Underley.

I had a nice quiet day, today. Apart from the radio show, there wasn't much that needed doing, so I read my book, tidied up a bit around the house, and in the evening I returned to the piece I'm working on in anticipation of our next college assignment.

It wasn't going particularly well and then I stumbled across a lovely little melody - quite reminiscent of 'Trans Europa Express' period Kraftwerk - and switched from despondency to delight! Which I further celebrated by walking down to meet Dan from work for a couple of pints in The Royal Barn.

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