Favourite spot

12:00, 5:45 abs 9:00am! Couldn’t believe she slept till 9!

Sorted out registering her with my vet and felt really disappointed to discover that she has only had her first vaccinations and isn’t due her next till the beginning of September and then it will be a two week wait before walks. …. I’ll be back at work by then! :(. I was under the impression from the breeder that she had had her final set and I was just waiting two weeks.
The summer still promised overnights in the camper van and days out to the lake for swimming. …
… now it’s just a summer of staying at home. :(
Ah well…I have a beautiful girl to get to know…here’s hoping I don’t go too stir crazy!

Cathie got a call from the care team and went to see her Grandma. It sounds like she won’t be with us much longer. :( I hope Scout can give some comfort (and not just chew her to bits!).

This afternoon I carried Scout through town to pick up a collar small enough to fit her. It felt so good to be out and the rain was shining and warm. :)

Scout didn’t sleep all that much during the day. Only short naps. This evening her naps started to lengthen a bit so I enjoyed watching Princess Diaries during them.
She wasn’t for settling down at 11:00 so I sat and had a hot chocolate in the hopes that she would gradually realise that she was tired!
She settled at 12:00

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