Scary Pringles

2:00, 5:45,8:00am

Cathie put three wooden clothes pegs inside the carton and taped it up. Sitting it down on the floor, she gently rolled it along the floor…..
…. Scout took off tail between legs, digging into h the corner between her bed and the kitchen cabinets and buried herself under her bed! Then popped her head up between her bed and cabinet every now and then to view it.
It was very funny! (and she was given the comfort and encouragement that was needed). Gradually throughout the day her courage grew till she was carrying it around and trying to hide it behind the big planter (which she discovered today that she could get behind!….and eat the clematis!!!)
Mom dropped Jodie off while she went out with Stewart for a coffee and to pick up some shopping.
It was a steep learning curve for both dogs!
Then mom and Stewart came back here for a visit.
The rest of the day was taken with crochet, puppy training/playing/sleeping. Cathie was out all day. Just before Cathie got back, mom called. She was upset and missing dad. So after dinner I left Cathie in charge of the pup and went to spend some time with mom. We chatted, looked at photos, took Jodie a little walk then did some more jigsaw as we had a hot chocolate.
Back home and Cathie was busy doing the evening mopping session, then dished up some ice cream. Scout goes a little crazy and wants some ice cream too! I.figure she smells the milk in it. She was desperate for my hot chocolate last night too.
Anyway pup in bed at 11:00
I’m setting my alarm tonight in a bid to preempt her needing a wee and get her outside. We’ll see how it goes.

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