Eight weeks old

After a bit of a run around (the stool!) we managed to snap this photo without any of our arms or legs trying to get her into position! Haha!

Mom and Jodie visited after church for a pancake lunch. Both dogs were much better with each other. Scout keeps trying to nurse from Jodie …who (rightly so) tells her off! Actually had them both running after the ball at one point.

After mom and Jodie left and Scout finally succumbed to sleep, I retreated to the living room couch for a sleep with the olympics in the background!
Last night wasn’t bad at all… 1:30, 5:45 (because she heard Cathie getting up) and then 7:45am. I was just really tired. The constant rain and grey skies doesn’t help.

Scout bedded down at 10:45 tonight. She slept a lot this evening due to playing so hard for so long earlier. I hope she still sleeps tonight.

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