River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Waving Grass

Lots of heavy rain during the night which continued until mid morning, showers eased off and a howling wind arrived - took the photo of the grass at lunchtime, I thought it looked like a "Mexican Wave" ...!
An afternoon of reading and popping outside every now and then to pick up the cordyline leaves which were everywhere!! More being blown off the tree when the next gust came along.
MrD on deliveries all day, he didn't finish until 5:30, had been lucky enough not to get wet :-))
Picked a good sized courgette and some baby sea cabbage and Cavollo Nero leaves to go with this evening's pasta.
[Courgette count = 9]
Weekend here again ... have fun or relax, whichever feels right!?
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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