River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Birthday Books

There's a yellow weather warning for Anglesey and Northern UK until Saturday, the rain started this morning and we've had heavy showers all day. Cloudy this evening, maybe more rain, at least it's not windy!
MrD went to buy a new pump for the central heating this morning, I cleared part of the airing cupboard, made lots of mugs of tea, kept out of the way and made encouraging noises ... by lunch time everything was installed and tested, we didn't NEED the heating on, and had it for the shortest time just to make sure it worked! I think MrD said there was a receipt for the original pump dated 1999 - not bad going!!
My only job today was to put the living room curtains back up, they are huge but no problem ... but I'd gone out early before the rain and cut a few more plants for the green bin and collected some seeds for the Seed Swap (Astrantia & Jacob's Ladder).
Had a lovely chat with our granddaughters and their Mam, they were having a relaxing day after yesterday's excitement :-)))) xxxx
Oh ... I ordered Fish & Chips for our dinner tonight, Benllech has become a "no parking" area but MrD managed ok!
Emergency blip today - my Tuesday Gang friend Eileen often gives me books as gifts and says “When you’ve read them put them on your stall and make money for Beaumaris Lifeboat!” … such a good friend! xx
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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