Mr Sparrow

There is still some activity in the nest boxes and here's Mr Sparrow watching with interest should any of the late offspring decide to fledge today.  He and his wife are still busy feeding and I caught him just as he had finished a good wash and brush up.  

Mr HB went up to the Gliding Club to fetch parachutes which are in need of re-packing and I meet up with H at the garden centre for a coffee, teacake and a general mince about.  We had a good rummage around the sale part and came away with a few choice items, ideal for C pressies (sorry)!  Then the obligatory visit to Hobbycraft to get a few crafty bits and pieces and where I fell in love with a beautiful wooden yarn bowl ........ sadly not in the sale though.

On the way home I dropped in on R & B and was so pleased to see that B is feeling better today, the effects of the radium treatment are wearing off and the mouthwash and lipsalve I took him in the week have worked their magic for his very sore mouth, so much so that today he was actually able to enjoy the Sunday chicken dinner that R had cooked.  

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