
By HareBrain


The Herdwick Sheep nearly ready for Amelia’s 1st Birthday and Christening on Saturday.  Sadly the top half of Daisy’s Mountaineering gear is a little too big, and she won’t be growing into it, but hopefully the party dress which I have cut out today and ready to be sewn up will.  Tonight I’ll be knitting the trousers to go with the jumper, and some boots as well!  If these are too big too then perhaps the outfit will fit another of Amelia’s toys??
It’s been a very hot and close day today and it feels very stormy this evening, I’ve watered anyway just in case the forecasted rain doesn’t materialise.
We had some very sad news this morning when the wife of the owner of a small caravan site we stay at told us that her lovely husband had died a few days earlier from a massive brain haemorrhage – such a terrible shock.   We’re still in shock ourselves and feel so very sorry for A and all the family.   And yet another reminder to make the most of every day.

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