For the family

By RonaMac

A frightened intruder

R called in past on her way home from the park run this morning. She showered and dressed, before joining us for breakfast. 

B has bough himself a watch similar to mine, so she helped him to set it up to meet his requirements, then checked my watch to see what I had been up to during the week. We were all surprised at my level of activity, much better than expected.

When I went out to open up the potting shed late morning, I found a very frightened sparrow flapping about. This has happened several times before and previously the birds have managed to find their own way out after the door was opened. This time it was hell bent on hiding in between the pots and things stacked on the floor. I’ve no idea how long it had been in there as the windows open automatically when the temperature rises. 

I managed to rescue it in a pot and remove all the cobwebs that were wrapped round it’s beak and head. I put it in a box with some water and seeds in pots, then left it to calm down. 

Later on I released it in the garden. Hopefully it has survived. 

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