A bit of TLC

I bought new table protector material last week and needed to cut it to shape. The table needed to be opened out from circular to oval to safely do the job. What I didn’t expect was how difficult it would be to slide open. What I realised after the struggle and having to enlist help from B, is that I used to open up the table almost weekly to do my sewing. Now that I go to more sewing groups and we have loads of space and I can plan to prepare my patterns and cut out material there. The table benefitted from a liberal application of ‘polish’, in the form of Wood Silk and some elbow grease!!!  It’s looking good at almost 50 years old!!!

Such excitement today, where do I start!!! The highlights for me were the exciting Rugby 7’s match between Fiji and New Zealand this morning and the amazing win for England’s ladies over Germany in the Euro 2022. Ladies you are inspirational.

I’m not a football fan and the last time I watched a game on the TV was in 1966, in a pub in Elgin!!! A match well remembered as England won the World Cup !!! 

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