Happy Birthday Kay

This is our friend Kay, with her Dad, Fred. It's Kay's birthday so for my walk today we went to see her. Originally she was going to have a garden party with all her friends and I was going to be allowed to go. Unfortunately Kay hurt her knee so has been hobbling around for the last few days. And also our weather app said that it was going to rain all day. Our weather app lied AGAIN!!!

Anyway it was a bit mizzly & drizzly on my first thing in the morning walk so when we set out for Kay's (which is a 1 hr 20 min walk), Ann put on her anorak and said, 'Trixie, we're not going to walk all the way. We'll walk into the centre of town and get a bus from there.' So that is what we did.

By the time we got to Kay's house, Ann was very hot & bothered and she felt a bit silly in her anorak in the sunshine.

I was a bit naughty when I first went into Kay's house. I went charging around all over the place and was being really hyper. I kept doing my 'silly puppy jumping up' at Fred because he is my most favourite man in the world and also he had some treats for me.

Fortunately after about 10 mins of madness I calmed down a bit, though I did keep trying to jump up onto Fred's lap for lots of cuddles. (see extras).

Ann's going away for a couple of nights in August and Kay was going to come and live in our flat to look after me, but now Ann's wondering if it might be better for me to go and stay in Kay's house because I love Fred so much and he loves me. Originally Ann thought I'd be more settled in my own home and also she was worried that Fred would trip over me. Now she's thinking I might be happier having two people looking after me. Also Kay has a fully enclosed garden so if she doesn't feel up to taking me for a long walk then she can just play ball with me in the garden and that will tire me out.

We will make a decision about where I'm going at the end of next week. Because of Covid/lockdown Ann had three holidays cancelled last year so the only time that any one other than Ann has looked after me was one night when her sister looked after me when I was about 13 months old. I'm two and a half years old now and I'm the most chillaxed, adaptable little collie pup ever, so I'm pretty sure I'll be absolutely fine with Kay looking after me for a couple of nights. …...........It's my human who has the problem???

Stayed at Kay's for an hour or so and then went half way home on the bus and walked the rest of the way so that I could have a good run about on Bruntsfield Links.

This afternoon, I got left 'home alone' while Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' and then I went for another little walk.

…...........And that's been our day. …...............And it's still NOT raining. ….............And our weather app is still telling us that it's going to rain until 8pm tonight??!!

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