Continuing on with our bus route walks............

For those of you who follow our Blips regularly, you will know that before we went to Cornwall for a month, we had a 'bus route project'. Ann does love her little projects?! This involves us going on a bus to its terminus and then walking home.

The weather seems to be getting cooler, so today we jumped on a no. 30 bus and went to it's terminus at Musselburgh. We had to walk almost 2 miles to get to a no. 30 bus stop!!!

The first part of the walk involved walking alongside the River Esk and we've never seen the water levels so low. Then it was down to the fields by the beach for a good run about and then onto the 'Old Innocent Railway Path' for the majority of my walk.

Fortunately it wasn't very busy on the 'Old Innocent Railway Path' today so I was allowed off my lead for miles. Yay! Even the cyclists were polite today. Normally Edinburgh cyclists just zoom past in super speedy mode, as if pedestrians have no place on a shared pathway?! Today, they rang their bells and said 'thank you' as they passed by.

Ann recorded our walk on 'Strava' and it told us we'd walked 8.64 miles, but we know we walked further than that. Don't think it recorded us walking through the big long scarey tunnel???

When we got home, Ann lay on the sofa and watched two episodes of EastEnders, And I gobbled up my breakfast (which I hadn't eaten before my walk) and then went into my bed for a snooze. I'm still in my bed having a snooze?!!! (see extras).

….....................We've walked way more than 10 miles today. …..........And that's a bit tiring for us both!!!

Not doing anything tonight except for slobbing in front of the TV.

Toodles. xxx

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