Three Car Trick

Today started before 7 am with an early morning run along the river path in Aylesford. Such a beautiful summery start to the day.
This was followed by a hearty Sunday morning breakfast before we headed out for the weekly food shop by which time the temperature was already heading towards 30 degrees C.
After completing the food shop we thought we deserved some refreshment so headed back to The Market House in Maidstone for a quick pint just as it opened.
On the way back home we decided to drop in at The Friars to visit Kent's All Ford Show -  a car show which is usually held every year in one of the big fields next to the priory but had been postponed last year for obvious reasons.
It cost only £3 to get in - an absolute bargain to able to see such fine modes of transport - this included Capris, Anglias, Escorts (of several marks), Sierra Cosworths, Consuls, Lotus Cortinas, Mustangs, Hot Rods, vans and trucks. A jaw dropping display of magnificent machinery!
I'm not sure what model the car is in my main image but it looks like it dates from the 40's or 50's. I loved it's lines, the whitewall tyres and the reflections of the other cars in it's pristine paintwork (actually it's just a double reflection of the same car).
The extras are just a few of the shots I took as I was walking round - I could have taken so many more. 
By the time we had perambulated around the whole show the temperature was close to blistering and we decided to head home for a cooling glass of wine or two!
I must admit today's blip is the antithesis of yesterday's!

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