Hot dog

Walked early this morning, although still warm, and picked up a paper on the way home. Relaxing breakfast and then sorted camper as we are away for a few days next week. It was very hot making up the bed.
Washing dried and ironed and caked baked. Finally sat down at 3:30 and enjoyed a g&t in the garden. Hetty was out running around and then in to rest all day, at one point we couldn’t find her and then I did, she was sound asleep on our bed. The bedroom was quite cool as I had kept the blinds closed and door open. Unfortunately she was covered in seeds from the garden so needed brushing.
Hubby noticed the bowl after I had put the melted chocolate on the top of the cake and just had to ‘clean’ the bowl.
My brother is popping in tomorrow so wanted the afternoon free, hence busy day today.
Another episode of Beck about to start.

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