And the sun goes down....

Sunn !
A morning spent sowing rape/ stubble turnips on the 37 acres that the contractor power harrowed yesterday.
Once I got my brain into gear and worked out the seed rate , the fertiliser rate, how much seed to mix with each 600 kg bag as I filled the spreader, and how many hectares a load should cover, my wee brain was on overload.
Had Littlemiss and the terrier as copilots for the 4 loads, but had to have the air con on full blast for the hairy one !
A quick late lunch then took over from Kev to finish rolling the field. Had it done by 6pm.
The silage contractor in with his huge triple mowers to cut a field I am going to try and make into hay/ haylage if the weather holds. He had it cut in no time compared to me doing it with my own mower.
It was a glorious sun set, hopefully a good sign.

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