
By Grammy

Last One This Year

Very hot and humid all day. This is my last gardenia so I played around with it after breakfast. Hubby cut the grass at home and church. I spent much of the day ironing and making sure Skylar got logged in to her summer class. She tried everything (she thought), had her Mom (who is on vacation) and me quite frustrated. Kristen finally found a tech person at school to assist. Sky forgot she needed to log in through a single user front end security app before entering the site where her class work was. We spent hours…in the end, she completed all of her assignments so she was allowed to go to dance. Then there was last night. Two of the grandsons, got permission from their fathers and then proceeded to give the older one a buzz hair cut. They knew nothing about using clippers. They came over after the butcher job asking if we could fix it. Hubby did his best but as he said, some things cannot be fixed. Maybe the haircut will be tomorrow’s blip. Hubby smoked ribs for dinner. I bet our neighbors are smelling them. We will enjoy them after dance is over. It is time to pick Skylar up. “You can learn many things from (grand)children. How much patience you have for instance.” - Franklin P. Adams, newspaper columnist. Thanks for stopping by.

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