Bonnie Scotland

We drove north of the border when I finished work tonight, ready for our wedding recce tomorrow.

Seeing Gretna Hall in real life (and the sun shining behind it), was a bit surreal, but it’s made us realise that covid has done us a favour. Our wedding here is going to be fab; much better than Vegas.

We had a lovely meal in the restaurant and got chatting to Kenneth, who has lived and worked at the Hall for 41 years! He told us how he’s seen things change in that time and how seeing all the weddings had put him off doing it himself.

We also met a couple in the bar who should have married in Vegas last year. They invited us to be witnesses at their wedding tomorrow, but it’s the same time that we are meeting our wedding co-ordinator or we would have happily obliged.

We had a good wander round the grounds, followed by a walk over to the Old Blacksmiths shop, so we could eye up potential photo ops for our wedding….6 weeks today! :-)

DQ x

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