In The Gutter
No, I wasn't up a ladder (I don't do ladders - that involves height and I definitely don't do height).
It is at roof level - but roof level of the shops underneath the flat I was delivering to, so you could say it was at ground level.
Two more abandoned cars have been reported to the Council, but they are in an off road car park (owned by the Council) so I am not sure what will happen there.
I have cut a load of wood this afternoon and sanded more than half of the pieces but stopped when I felt I was getting White Finger Syndrome from the sander.
I will finish the job tomorrow - then I will have to put all the domino markings on them and varnish them.
It isn't going to be a quick job, but I certainly hope it is all done before the 'summer' ends as they are a bit bigger than the usual dominos and for using in the garden.
The world's worst box will also be getting another coat of varnish, but it isn't going to be a purse from a sows ear ... just a pig's ear of a job.
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