
By seddon


Last night was one of not much sleep - Chloe was shouting for me all night, mainly in her sleep, but just kept getting louder and louder, so I was in and out of her room a lot.
After we dropped Thomas off at school this morning, we headed to chadkirk to meet Sarah and their new dog, Gavin. He is a failed guide dog (because of slight nerves around other dogs when in his harness), so he is extremely well trained and was brilliant with Chloe. She absolutely loved him!!
It was gorgeous and sunny and we had such a lovely walk and catch up.
This afternoon when we picked Thomas up from school, we went to the park and they both ran round like lunatics for a while.
Home in time for the football, as was Ben who's van broke down at work today, so he's spent the whole day at Chester services waiting for a recovery vehicle!
Ben and thomas were very happy with the football result, as were the rest of the neighbourhood - I was outside bringing the washing when England scored and it was like I had surround sound!!

This evening Ben has gone to bed and I'm catching up on hospital. The more I watch, the more angry it's making me that Matt Hancock broke all the rules that he himself helped put in place, and that Boris thinks he could just sweep it under the carpet. How dare they? Watching the distress of people not being able to visit loved ones in person, and the poor patients stuck in hospital on their own with no visitors...I'm so so cross!

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