
By seddon

It's a hard life!

Last night there was major drama in our house... Thomas's favourite Teddy ripped a teeny bit and it is obviously the end of the world!!
When he was a baby we bought him lots of the same comforters so we could swap and change them regularly to wash them etc and it didn't matter too much if he lost one. We must have about 4 'blue bears'. But since he's been a bit older he's decided he only likes 'rattly bear' the only comforter we only have 1 of and not one that is made anymore!!
Ben rang Tracey last night when Thomas was having a meltdown and she promised Thomas she'd fix him, so she called round this morning when me and Chloe were back from the shop to collect him. She also brought Chloe's flower girl dress to try on ready for Joe and amelia's wedding... She looks so cute!!
This afternoon we did lots of colouring before we picked Thomas up from school, and then he and Chloe sat watching a film whilst I started tea. This is what I saw when I checked on them 2 minutes later.. She had her feet in Thomas's lap and was snoring!!!
Early to bed for me tonight ready for the next 2 long days at work... Not done 2 together in a while!!

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