
By seddon

Ice cream face!

Chloe, despite her late night last night, was up at 5.50 this morning! Her nappy had leaked so she was soaked, by the time I'd cleaned and changed her she was wide awake. She eventually went back to sleep for a very short time - I let Ben get up with them both and I had a little lie in.
After school work we headed to Tracey and Dave's - Sam and Lauren have finally been able to come home from London, so we saw them for the first time in 4 months! We stayed for what should have been a bbq, but it rained and rained! Tracey and Dave's kitchen is non existent due to emergency repairs, so we had everything cooked in the halogen oven. It was very yummy anyway! Followed by ice creams, Chloe ate most of her dairy free cornetto, the rest she smeared around her face and chair!!
Tonight was another late one for Thomas and Chloe, fingers crossed for a lie in tomorrow!

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