Work in progress

Slept ok, but woke a few times then properly
awake earlyish......another grey, damp,& chilly day.

The garden needed the rain, its already looking greener and the straw like stripes in the lawn aRe fading fast thankfully. This is the garden at the mo, thumbnail,shows the pump, lights and all the rocks from in the pond, which is now empty....this is on the list of jobs for the electrician to sort. If you,look,closely you might be able to spot a certain lava stone <3

Finished off the cleaning I started yesterday, hoovered through downstairs before sis came, and off we went for our long overdue pampering session....toes and feet now looking pretty, with hubs fav, a bright sparkly red :-) Afterwards we popped into town for a quick bite to eat and a drink in Costa.

Back home, a quick review of possible colours for the forthcoming decorating...although hub was colourblind, we would have discussed and agreed on colours lol. Its not the same when every decision is completely down to you :-/

Had a pretty lazy day today after yesterdays exertions. Just a chicken stir fry with rice noodles for my dinner tonight.

Watchd the Glastonury reviews for most of the evening, had a couple of rum and cokes, felt sad and felt the absence of my love.....we would have watched this together, enjoying the music, with a couple of drinks, just made me sad and I have ended up proper sobbing :-(

Well its 12.30 and time I went to bed..... hopefully better weather tomorrow and Sunday...there is a lot that needs doing in the garden, including cutting the lawns again!

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